January 5, 2023

Why the GRA and why now?

I caught up on George this morning, while debating which cheese to devour (said debate continues as I write this piece). His rant midweek was about the Scottish National Party's Gender Reassignment Act.

My thesis rests on several planks, the first of which is that the loyal opposition is more about loyalty to the power brokers and less about opposing their policy prescriptions, especially along pocketbook issues, like adjusting economic levers. Even foreign policy, which realistically speaking should not be the primary concern of the homeless who litter the streets of the United States and Britain, is a realm of policy where the two sides of Congress or Parliament are one.

However, every now and again, there are elections, where a number of candidates have to differentiate themselves. So, if your voting records are 99 percent identical, how do you do it? There are certain differences which we cannot (yet) gloss over. Namely, that I have brown skin and Mr Galloway does not. Or, perhaps, it is that Mrs Harris is a woman and Mr Pence is not.

In other words, elections circa 2022 are fought on social issues, when most working class voters are concerned with economic issues.

Boundary commissions have made it so that the working class doesn't have much say in elections. And confronted with the choice of one candidate who promises to bomb Kyiv and the other to bomb Mariupol, it's no wonder they choose the third option -- opt out of the system altogether.

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